Words by Greg Mailloux
Music by Henry Boon
1. Silent and still, cold winter's chill.
Virgin and child asleep: dreaming.
Joy on this morn. Miracle born.
Father has smiled; God redeeming.
2. Silent and still, alone on the hill,
Shepherds lead sheep to the meadows green.
Angels on high; God glorified.
Baby asleep; night so serene.
3. Silent and still, words to fulfil,
Kings from afar come pay homage.
Kings for the King. Gifts they now bring.
Bright Morning Star. God's own Image.
© 1992 Greg Mailloux. 563 St. Joseph St., Windsor, ON
Canada N9C 3H3. All rights reserved.
Publishing rights are administered by CCLI
(Christian Copyright Licensing International) 1-800-234-2446
(Luke 1)
Adapted by Greg Mailloux from a Spanish
song. (Author unknown)
Come with us and walk with us,
Holy Mary, come, come, come, come.
Come with us and walk with us. Holy Mary, come.
1. "Hail, Mary, full of grace,
The Lord God is with you.
"You shall give birth to the Savior.
His name will be Jesus. [R]
2. The Blessed Virgin responded:
"Let it be done unto me."
And she conceived of the Spirit:
The Holy Spirit of God. [R]
3. Mary went to Elizabeth
To share with her cousin the news.
When Mary came to her presence,
The baby leapt in her womb. [R]
4. "Blest are you among women,
And blest is the Fruit of your womb.
"Oh what an honor to greet you,
Mary, the Mother of God." [R]
5. While you journey in this life,
You are never alone,
Walking with you as companion
Is Mary, our Mother, and friend. [R]
© 2001 Greg Mailloux. 563 St. Joseph St., Windsor, ON
Canada N9C 3H3. All rights reserved.
Publishing rights are administered by CCLI
(Christian Copyright Licensing International) 1-800-234-2446