1. There in the Garden of Eden it started, (Gen. 3)
Adam & Eve turned their backs on the Lord.
Sin entered history; from God they departed.
But God didn’t let Adam lose his reward.
2. Out in the desert the children of Israel (Num.21:4-9)
Sinned against Moses and suffered the loss.
Salvation was promised to all those afflicted:
Just look to the Saviour Who hung on the Cross.
Salvation belongs to our God:
God Who sits upon the throne. (Rev. 7:10)
To the Lamb Who was slain be all glory and praise,
Thanksgiving and power to Him alone! (Rev. 5:12-13)
3. Sorrow poured out in the tears from the harlot
Who wept at the Master’s feet, not letting
(Lk. 7:36-50)
He said, “Though your sins once were coloured
as scarlet,
I wash you, and make them as white as the snow.”
(Is. 1:18) [CHORUS]
4. Save me, Lord Jesus, You truly have risen!
Your Spirit in me lifts me up when I fall.
Like Moses, and Peter, and Mary I follow.
I trust in Your mercy; and give you my all. [CHORUS]
© 1997 Greg Mailloux. 563 St. Joseph St., Windsor, ON
Canada N9C 3H3. All rights reserved.
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