1. When we were lost and
couldn’t get back home,
The Father sent His Son
upon the earth,
So that all those who
believe in Him will not be left alone
But be joined with Jesus
Christ through their rebirth.
2. When Jesus died, He
issued forth His Spirit,
So that all the world
would listen to His voice.
O breathe on us, O Breath
of God and help us to hear it.
Draw us near to you, and
help us make the choice.
O Holy Spirit, fill us with your power.
O Holy Spirit, fill us with your love.
O Holy Spirit, teach us in this hour
Of the love between the Father and the Son.
3. Come again, O holy
Fire of Love.
Burn away all thoughts
that aren't of you.
So that when we meet face-to-face
In that glorious heaven
Our hearts will sing a
song that's ever new!
4. “Behold, I am
coming soon to bring you my reward,
So prepare your heart
to receive your Lord.”
© 2001 Greg Mailloux. 563 St. Joseph St., Windsor, ON
Canada N9C 3H3. All rights reserved.
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