Col. 1:22; 3:1-4, 12-15
Since we’ve been brought back
To true life with Christ,
We must long for the things of heaven,
Where Christ sits at God’s right hand.
So let our thoughts be
On heavenly things,
And not on the things of the earth.
For when Christ appears,
We’ll appear with Him in glory! Col. 3:1-4
For by your death, O Lord,
You have reconciled us to God.
Bring us holy, pure, and righteous
To the Father’s throne. Col. 1:22
We are God’s chosen ones,
Holy and beloved.
We must clothe ourselves
With compassion and humility.
And to all these things put on love,
Which binds the rest as one.
For when Christ appears,
We’ll appear with Him in glory! Col. 3:12-15
For by your death, O Lord,
You have reconciled us to God.
Bring us holy, pure, and righteous
To the Father’s throne. Col. 1:22
© 2001 Greg Mailloux. 563 St. Joseph St., Windsor, ON
Canada N9C 3H3. All rights reserved.
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